1 Minute-Meditation before Class "Fudo"

Before each class, students of the discipline committiee give an order "Fudo"for the class to meditate. Everyone sits up straight and concentrates on the class. This is different from a break and gives the students strength. The styles of meditation change for each subject.

Self-service Students' Stand

"The bamboo pipe looks at you and believes you." This self-service stand started in December, 1962. Students put the money into the bamboo pipe on the shelf and took the goods that they wanted. We hope it proves that the students can believe in each other through the honest spirits of the self-service stand. Now a small safe box is used instead of the bamboo pipe, but the stand has been kept by the students.

Tower of Ambition

After you enter the central gate of Johoku J.H.S, you can see the massive magnificent tower of ambiton on your left. It is the graduates' home of mind, and is filled with the students' spirits. The tower was built from the profit of students' recycling activities in 1963. Before each graduation, the third year students write their hopes and wishes and put them into the tower. Some former students sometimes drop in at the tower.

Garden of Geology

The garden is shaped like Aichi prefecture. Some unique rocks from several areas in Aichi are put on the garden. These rocks are actually gathered from each place.

Pond of Aquatic Plants

There are hydrilla verticillata, Egeria densa Planch, Trapa japonica Flerov, Ceratophyllum demersum L, water lily, Juncus effusus L. var. decipiens Buch, Utricularia japonica Makino and so on. Also, goldfish, crucian carp, mud snail, killifish live there. This pond is also used for biology classes.

Apple of Newton

It is said that this tree led Newton to discover the law of universal graviation. In 1964, the head of British National Physics Institute, Dr.Sutherland, sent the apple tree to the head of Japan Bachelor Institute (Nippon Gakushi-in ), Dr. Yuji Shibata. The branch of the tree was grafted in the botanical garden of the school of sicence at Tokyo University. We received a branch of it and grafted it at Johoku J.H.S. on March 5, 1996.

Grapes of Mendel

This is the tree that Mendel used for his basic experiment to discover the laws of genetics. In 1913 Prof. Miyoshi at Tokyo University visited the monastery in Czechoslovakia where Mendel worked and received one of grapesvines and planted it in the botanical garden of the school of science at Tokyo University. We received a part of the grapevine and grafted it in March 5, 1991.

Ohga Lotus

In March, 1951, Dr. Ohga known as "Dr. Lotus" found three lotus seeds in more than 2000 year old Jomon-period ruins in the Kenmi river of Chiba. One of the tree seeds germinated successfully and the lotus was named "Ohga lotus." We received it from the greenery plant laboratory of the school of agriculture at Tokyo University, and we have grown them with care. A lot of people come to our school every year to see them.

Ginkgo of Seeds' Discovery

In 1896, an assistant of the botanical class at Tokyo University, Mr. Sakugoro Hirase, discovered the sperm cells in the young seeds of the ginkgo at the botanical garden of Tokyo University. Until then it had been said that seed plants are fertilized without sperm. So this discovery was one of great importance. We received the tree and grafted it on May 5, 1991.

Moss Garden

The moss garden is on the north east of the main school building. There are several kinds of moss, not only familiar species like Marchantia polymorpha L, but Conocephalum conicum Dum, which looks like the scales of a snake. The garden is used for the biology class.

Fern Garden

The ferm garden is on the north side of the new school building. Many kinds of ferns are planted. They include Dryopteris erythrosora erythorosora O. Kuntze, Athyrium niponicum hance, Osmunda japonica Thunb, Pyrrosia lingua Farwell, Blechnum niponicum Makino, Cyrtomium Fortunei J.Sm, Polypodium Thunbergianum Monica, and Equiserum hiemale L. The garden is also used for biology class.

10 millimeter- bananas

The tree in the school green house bear some bananas. We divided these bananas for all the students, so the banana for each student is only about 10 millimeters. When we eat them at school lunch, each student is given another banana sold at the store. But the 10 millimeter bananas taste uniquely different from the ordinary one.